I'm finding black and white photos of me and my wrestling gear increasingly more appealing. I hope this example leads you to agree.
Here I am getting into a nice bridge in my new Adidas Tygun IIs. Boxing boots, strictly, of course but who cares. They go great with matching Adidas squarecuts for a great look for, say, a submission wrestling match. Just gotta find an opponent to try them out on now :-)
Have you noticed how more and more boxers are wearing wrestling shoes in the ring? Well, now us wrestlers are getting their boots on! ;-)
Great Pic :)
Southern grappler
I have to say, boxing boots are hot. I need to get a pair!!
Great photo Boots! like the Starkness of the black and white. Great pose to show off the boots.
Great wrestler`s bridge!!This excellent picture did inspire me to do a similar bridge position in front of the camera as well!!
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